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How Our Story Began

Our story begins in 1988..when we first met in the halls of junior high! While it wasn't exactly love at first sight, we did like each other and began forming a lasting friendship through our time at school and church. Within a year our friendship began to develop into something more and our journey toward a life together began!  


We dated through high school and college and were married in 1997; our plan was to wait 5 years for children and then to start our family. God had other plans!

Our first child, Katelyn, was born in 1999 and we began the journey of parenting much earlier than we had anticipated. Over the next 10 years we would have 3 more children (Andrew, Emma, and Laurel) and serve in two other states in local church ministry.

Where We Failed

Our first 10 years of marriage were good...not great but good. To be honest, our marriage was never threatened by divorce or unfaithfulness. It was, however, failing to meet up to the potential that God had for us because we both failed to understand and grasp our roles in marriage.


I (DJ) was not a spiritual leader in our home. I did not pray with my wife. I did not take responsibility for teaching our children about God...I pushed that off onto the church or Christian school. We were involved in ministry but I was not the spiritual leader in my marriage or in our home. I was not a loving leader in my home.


I (Lorrie) was content to lead since DJ was not leading. I felt that his unwillingness to fulfill his role gave me the permission to step into a role for which I was not designed. I was not a loving supporter to my husband.


How It Changed

God graciously brought some Godly men and women along that helped both of us see our failures and how those failures were affecting our family. We began to understand how we each had failed at God's plan for our home and marriage and began the journey of learning and obeying God's Word in regards to our family.


I (DJ) began to love my wife as I should and take responsibility for our home. I (Lorrie) began to love my husband and children as I should and endeavored to support our home with a renewed focus on God and his words. 

Where We Are Today

We look back and wonder what life would be like if we didn't have those Godly influences in our lives years ago to give direction and guidance. While we can, we want to help husbands and wives grow together in their understanding of God's design for marriage and the home.


We do this through Bible studies, counseling sessions, speaking at marriage and family conferences, and through our podcast (Better Together). We hope that these resources will help you and your spouse grow Better Together!!



DJ and Lorrie Harry

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